Section 5 Financial Inclusion

Non-bank financial institution information was not collected in 2013. For the 2013 survey, the variables in this section were derived by including only bank and mobile money.


The respondent has ever used financial services from a full-service bank, formal non-bank financial institution, or mobile money provider.


  • Yes
  • No


The respondent has ever used financial services from a bank, formal non-bank financial institution, or mobile money provider. This is similar to ACCESS_FINANCIAL, but does not require that providers offer full services.


  • Yes
  • No
This variable is empty for all 2013 surveys, which did not ask whether providers offer full services.

5.3 FI

The respondent is financially included, i.e., the respondent holds an account with an institution that provides a full suite of financial services and comes under some form of government regulation.

The respondent answered “Yes” to at least one of the following:

  • Have an account registered in thier name or a joint account registered in their name and someone’s else in a full-service bank
  • Have a mobile money account registered in their name
  • Have an account/membership in a full-service non-bank financial institution.


  • Financially included
  • Financially excluded


The respondent is an active full-service registered account owner. The respondent anserwed “yes” to at least one of the following:

  • Have an account registered in thier name or a joint account registered in their name and someone’s else in a full-service bank and have used the account in the last 90 days before the survey
  • Have a mobile money account registered in their name and have used it in the last 90 days before the survey
  • Have an account/membership in a full-service non-bank financial institution and have used it in the last 90 days before the survey


  • Yes
  • No


The respondent has ever used a digital stored value account. The respondent anserwed “yes” to at least one of the following:

  • Have an account registered in their name or a joint account registered in their name and someone’s else in a full-service bank that offers digital services, or use an account that belongs to someone else
  • Use a full-service bank account that belongs to someone else that offers digital services,
  • Have ever used a mobile money service for any financial activity
  • Have ever used an account/membership in a full-service non-bank financial institution that offers digital services


  • Yes
  • No

ACCESS_DFS is empty for 2013, it shares the same definition with ACCESS_FINANCIAL in 2013 due to data limitation.


Digitally included. The respondent anserwed “yes” to at least one of the following:

  • Have an account registered in thier name or a joint account registered in their name and someone’s else in a full-service bank that offers digital services
  • Have an account registered in their name with a mobile money service
  • Have an account/membership in a full-service non-bank financial institution that offers digital services


  • Yes
  • No
REGISTERED_DFS is empty for 2013, it shares the same definition with FI in 2013 due to data limitations.


The respondent actively uses a digital stored-value account. This includes the same criteria as ACCESS_DFS, but the respondent must have used their account in the last 90 days prior to the survey date.


  • Yes
  • No
ACTIVE_DFS is empty for 2013, it shares the same definition with ACTIVE_FINANCIAL in 2013 due to data limitation.


The respondent actively uses a digital stored-value account and has used at least one advanced financial service (beyond basic wallet & P2P). This includes the same criteria as ACCESS_DFS, but the respondent must have used their account to conduct an advanced activity (i.e., activity other than deposit, withdrawal, sending or receiving money with someone) in the last 90 days prior to the survey date.


  • Yes
  • No
ACTIVE_DFS_ADV is empty for 2013, it shares the same definition with ACTIVE_FINANCIAL_ADV in 2013 due to data limitation.


The respondent has ever used a bank or a mobile money service to pay bills or transfer money.


  • Yes
  • No


The respondent has used their registered full-service bank or NBFI account or their registered mobile money account in the last 90 days to conduct at least one advanced activity (i.e., an activity other than deposit, withdrawal, or money tranfer).


  • Yes
  • No


The respondent has used their registered full-service bank or NBFI account or their registered mobile money account in the last 30 days to conduct at least one advanced activity (i.e., an activity other than deposit, withdrawal, or money tranfer).


  • Yes
  • No


Customer journey segmentation: A series of progressive stages through which individuals become more active users of more sophisticated financial services.

Level Description
Nonuser Never used bank, mobile money or non-bank financial institution
Nonregistered user Don’t have a bank, mobile money or non-bank financial institution account but used the services
Inactive registered user Have a bank, mobile money or non-bank financial institution account but have not used it in the last 90 days
Active basic user Have a bank, mobile money or non-bank financial institution account and only used it in the last 90 days for basic activities: cash-in (deposit) or cash-out (withdraw), money transfer to another individual, or conducting account maintenance
Active advanced user Have a bank, mobile money or non-bank financial institution account and used it in the last 90 days for advanced activities (saving, borrowing, insurance, investment, paying bills or receiving wages or government benefits)