Section 14 Financial Situation
This variable indicates whether the respondent or someone else in the household is the main income earner.
- Somebody else
- Myself
- Equally contribute
- DK
The financial situation of the respondent’s family.
- We don’t have enough money for food
- We have enough money for food, but buying clothes is difficult
- We have enough money for food and clothes, and can save a bit, but not enough to buy expensive goods such as a TV
- We can afford to buy certain expensive goods such as a TV set or a refrigerator
- We can afford to buy whatever we want
- DK
14.3 FIN_ATT*
The following variables are relevant in determining the financial health of respondents. This variable was used prior to the 2017 dataset. For the 2017 datasets onward, FIN_HEA
took its place.
Variable | Description |
FIN_ATT1 | I am highly satified with my present financial condition |
FIN_ATT2 | I (or my household) have too much debt right now |
FIN_ATT3 | I am comfortable having some debt if it allows me to accomplish my goals |
FIN_ATT4 | It is better use or invest money right away, keeping it sitting there is wasteful |
FIN_ATT5 | I buy from several different shopkeepers so they know me and give me credit when I need it |
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
The following variables document a respondent’s issues with paying for education fees.
Variable | Description |
SCH_FEE_PRB1 | Could not pay at all: respondent has experienced a lack of funds and could not pay school fees at all |
SCH_FEE_PRB2 | Could only pay a portion: respondent has experienced a lack of funds and could only pay a portion of school fees |
SCH_FEE_PRB3 | Bank issues: respondent has experienced bank issues (high fees or long lines) when trying to pay school fees |
SCH_FEE_PRB4 | Long distance: respondent has had to deliver cash for school fees but failed because of the long distance to the school |
SCH_FEE_PRB5 | Do not know the full amount: respondent had to pay school fees but didn’t know the full amount |
- Yes
- No