Section 17 Proximity to points-of-service for financial institutions
17.1 POS
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a point-of-service (POS) such as a bank branch, ATM, mobile money agent, bank agent, retail store/kiosk with over-the-counter mobile money services, MFI, SACCO, or semi-formal/informal financial or savings group.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.2 BBKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a bank branch.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.3 ATMKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to an ATM.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.4 MMKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a mobile money agent.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.5 BAKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a bank agent.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.6 RSKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a store/kiosk with over-the-counter mobile money services.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.7 MFIKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a microfinance institution (MFI).
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.8 GRPKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a community savings group, such as a Village Savings and Loan Association (VLSA).
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
The distance from the respondent’s residence to an informal self-help or savings group.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.10 POSTKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to the post offfice bank.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
The distance from the respondent’s residence to the SACCO.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK
17.12 COOPKM
The distance from the respondent’s residence to a cooperative.
- Less than 1 km
- Between 1 and 5 km
- Greater than 5 km
- DK